
Friday, December 30, 2011

The Importance of Saturn in Prediction

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

The Importance of Saturn in Prediction

Vishav Sethi, New Delhi
Saturn as karaka (significator) of the malefic 6th, 8th and 12th house in the horoscope is the most dreaded planet. It is assigned 19 years in Vimshottari Dasa and slowly transits through a house in 2½ years. Its transit through the 3rd, 6th and 11th house from Moon, i.e., nearly 7½ years out of 30 years that it takes to go round the zodiac is favourable. Thus Saturn has the longest influence, and its location and strength in a person’s horoscope indicates the pattern of events he will experience in life according to his prarabdha (result of past karma).
However, Saturn gives the best result when it becomes functional benefic for the horoscope. For example, for Tula (Libra) lagna Saturn gives the best result, and second best for Vrishabha (Taurus) lagna by virtue of becoming a Yogakaraka( Lord of Kendra and Trikona houses). It gives good result for Makar (Capricorn) and Kumbha ( Aquarius) lagna as lagna lord. When for these four lagnas Saturn is also well posited and aspected by benefics, it produces excellent results during its dasa-bhukti and transit.
Saturn gives mixed result for Mithuna ( Gemini), Kanya ( Virgo), Dhanu ( Sagittarius) and Meena (Pisces) lagnas, and proves unfavourable for the remaining lagnas. Like other malefic planets. Saturn gives good result when posited in an Upachaya ( 3, 6, 10 or 11) house. In addition, Saturn’s location in any Kendra, which is its own or exaltation sign, forms Sasa Yoga, one of the Panchmahapurusha Yogas that bestows name, fame, wealth and authority to the native during its dasa and bhukti. Lucky is the person for whom Saturn is favourable and strong in the horoscope.
Saturn has special 10th and 3rd full aspects, in addition to the normal 7th aspect. These aspects adversely affect the affairs of the house receiving it, and afflict the planets posited there, but these aspects are favourable when Saturn becomes a functional benefic in the horoscope. Among these aspects, the 10th aspect is the most powerful, then comes the 7th , and the 3rd aspect is the weakest. Saturn’s aspect on Venus spoils the conjugal life of the person.
Its aspect on Jupiter induces the native to self-abnegation in religious and spiritual pursuits and sometimes causes compromise of moral principles. Saturn’s aspect on the Sun makes the native toil hard in life and face separation from, or even death of father in some cases. Saturn’s aspect on Moon makes the native simple, calm and calculative and gives distress to mother. Saturn’s aspect on Mars makes the native aggressive and cruel, while their mutual aspect portends violent end. Saturn’s aspect on Mercury gives crooked and selfish mentality. Its aspect on Rahu makes the native shrewd and causes chronic ailments. The benefic aspect of powerful Jupiter and Venus on Saturn tones down its malefic effect.
Saturn owns two consecutive signs in the Zodiac, namely, Capricorn and Aquarius. Capricorn being the 10th sign of the Zodiac represents karma (action) and Aquarius the 11th sign denotes labh (gains). Thus Saturn controls profession, status and financial position of the native. It not only influences the affairs of the house of its location, but also of the houses on both sides of its location. Through its ownership, location and aspects, if there is no overlapping of houses, Saturn influences as many as eight houses in any horoscope. This makes the position of Saturn in any horoscope decisive and it is prudent to properly assess the disposition and strength of Saturn before making any prediction. Saturn is a deterministic planet and acts for good or bad without any restraint.
In addition, Saturn has two special features. The first one is the infamous Sadesati ( 7½ years’ period) when Saturn transits through the house prior to natal Moon, the Moon sign, and the sign next to Moon. This cycle repeats in 30 years in everybody’s life. During Sadesati Saturn controls the flight of imagination of the native’s mind and makes him depressed, lonely and self- dependent. If Moon in a horoscope is already afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu individually or jointly, or Moon is weak and located in a trika ( 6/8/12) house, the effect of Sadesati is severe.
When Sadesati occurs during the dasa of Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mars or Rahu, then it causes considerable hardship in respect of the houses occupied and aspected by Saturn in the natal horoscope, as well as those aspected during transit. The astrologers are well aware of the trials and tribulations caused by Saturn to an individual during Sadesati.
The second special feature is ‘Shani vat Rahu’, i.e. Rahu is like Saturn. It is observed that in case of Tula lagna born, for which Saturn becomes Yogakaraka, if its dasa comes very late in the native’s life, then Saturn confers its favourable result during the dasa of Rahu. If such an individual has both Rahu and Saturn dasas in his life time, then the results experienced are par excellence.
The above features are corroborated by the horoscopes of Emperor Akbar, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher and Atal Behari Vajpayee, discussed below.
(1) Emperor Akbar
DOB: 24th November, 1542, at 04.09 hrs.
Lat. 25° 19' N, Long. 69° 47' E)
Rahu dasa balance at birth: 13 years, 3 months 1 day.
Exalted Yogakaraka Saturn in Lagna forms Sasa Yoga. It is conjoined with Swakshetri Lagna lord Venus forming Malavya Yoga. This shows high pedigree. Exalted Mars in 4th house forms Ruchaka yoga, another Panchmahapurusha Yoga.
Akbar was crowned as king at the fag end of Rahu dasa, while still a minor. Rahu is in 5th house in Saturn’s sign and aspects Saturn. He won many battles during Jupiter dasa, weak 6th house lord with strong lagna lord in lagna. The aspect of exalted Saturn and exalted Mars on the 10th house gave him success in expanding his empire. Akbar’s rule reached its zenith in Saturn dasa.
(2) Adolf Hitler
DOB: 20.4.1889, 18.30 hrs.
Long 48°N, Long 13°E
Venus dasa balance : 16 yrs. 4 mths. 6 days.
Mars in own sign in 7th house forms Ruchak Yoga, one of the Panchmahapurusha Yoga. Yoga karaka Saturn occupies 10th house, but in an unfriendly sign. The aspect of Saturn on Sun in the 7th house caused death of his father at the age of 13 years, due to which he had to face hardships.
During Mars dasa (in 7th house) in mutual aspect with Saturn (in 10th house) he took part in agitation against the Government in power and was jailed. His Rahu dasa operated from August, 1928 during which he enjoyed Yogakaraka Saturn’s result. During Rahu dasa-Jupiter bhukti in 1933 he became Chancellor of Germany.
The mutual square aspect between Saturn and Mars not only made him inflict atrocities on the Jews, but also brought about his violent end. He committed suicide at the fag end of Rahu dasa- Moon bhukti on the fall of Berlin to Allied forces. Rahu becomes maraka being in 7th house from Moon, and Moon is samsaptak from dasa lord. The major events in Hitler’s life during Rahu dasa were dictated by Saturn.
(3) Mahatma Gandhi
DOB: 2.10.1869, 07.45 hrs., Porbandar
Ketu dasa balance: 6 yrs. 10 months 28 days
Yogakaraka Saturn is posited in the 2nd house in inimical sign. This planetary setting inclined Gandhiji towards austere spirituality. Rahu is in 10th house.
The commencement of Rahu dasa from August, 1919 coincided with Gandhiji’s active political career. In Rahu dasa Rahu bhukti he was arrested for Civil Disobedience Movement and on release became a national leader. The whole of Rahu dasa kept him engaged in independence struggle, and he wielded considerable influence in Government without occupying any office. He was shot dead in Jupiter-Sun. His Rahu dasa was influenced by Saturn.
(4) Baroness Margaret Thatcher
DOB: 13.10.1925, 09.00 hrs., London
Ketu dasa balance: 3 yrs. 11 months 11 days
Exalted Yogakarak
 a Saturn in lagna forms Sasa Yoga. It is conjoined with 9th lord Mercury. Their location blessed her with sharp intellect, confidence, fame and high status in life. Rahu is posited in 10th house and aspected by Saturn. Rahu dasa operated from September, 1972 to September, 1990. She took over as Leader of Opposition in British Parliament in February, 1975 during Rahu dasa-Rahu bhukti. After leading her Conservative Party to victory in elections she became Prime Minister in March, 1979 (Rahu dasa-Saturn bhukti). She ruled the country for continuous 11 years with confidence and determination and was regarded ‘Iron Lady of U.K. She lost power in 1990 with the start of Jupiter Dasa (lord of 3rd and 6th house in 3rd). Thus Rahu dasa gave her the result of exalted Saturn in Lagna and she enjoyed name, fame and authority.
(5) Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee, ex-P.M.
D.O.B.: 25.12.1924, 03.00 hrs., Gwalior (MP)
Mercury dasa balance: 10 yrs. 1 month 26 days
Yogakaraka Saturn posited in exaltation sign in Tula lagna forms Sasa Yoga. It aspects Rahu in 10th house. Saturn dasa is not likely in his life. Rahu dasa operated from February, 1985 to February, 2003 and delivered the excellent result assured by exalted Yogakarka Saturn and bestowed name, fame and political success. He occupied different important positions in government, remained leader of opposition in Lok Sabha, and finally became the Prime Minister of India in 1999. He was voted out of office with the start of Jupiter dasa.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mars : Effects And Remedies

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Lal Kitab

Mars : Effects And Remedies

Mars is a dry, red and fiery planet. Masculine by nature it signifies energy, both constructive and destructive depending upon his position as Mars positive and Mars negative. If Sun and Mercury are placed together in one house, Mars would be positive but if Saturn and Sun are placed in one house Mars becomes negative.
Mars acts on the extremes - either soft like a wax or hard like a stone. The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are his friends, whereas Mercury and Ketu are his enemies. Rahu and Saturn are neutral to Mars. The first cycle of Mars runs between the ages 28 and 33, the 2nd between 63 and 68 years and the 3rd between 98 and 103 years. The 1st and 8th houses are the own houses of Mars and he gets exalted in the 10th house of his debilitation. Mars acts as a malefic in the 4th and 8th houses, but he is benefic if placed in the 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12th houses.
Mars is the signification of sex, brothers, land and property and rules over the animal instincts in man. A benefic Mars offers self confidence, sharp wit, faculty of argumentation and adventurous spirit, strong determination and qualities of leadership in all human pursuits. On the contrary, a weak and afflicted Mars makes the native lose temper quickly, fool hardy, quarrelsome and brutal. Such a Mars makes the native a sexual pervert.

Mars in 1st House

Mars in the 1st house makes the native good natured, truthful and richer from the 28th year of age. He wins favours from the government and victory against the enemies without much effort. He earns large profits from the business associated with Saturn i.e., iron, wood, machinery etc. and the relatives represented by Saturn i.e., nephews, grandsons, uncles etc.
Spontaneous curses from the mouth of such a native will never go waste. Association of Saturn with Mars provides physical trouble to the native.
(1) Avoid the acceptance of things free of cost or in charity.
(2) Avoid evil deeds and telling lies.
(3) Association with saints and Faqirs will prove very harmful.
(4) Things of ivory will give very adverse effects. Avoid them.

Mars in 2nd House

The native with Mars in the 2nd house is generally the eldest issue of his parents, or else he or she would always like to be treated so. But living and behaving like a younger brother would prove highly beneficial and ward off several evils automatically. Mars in this house provides great wealth and properties from the in-laws' family. Mars negative here makes the native a snake in disguise for others and causes his death in war or quarrels.

Mars with Mercury in the 2nd house weakens the will power and undermines the importance of the native.
(1) The business associated with Moon, e.g., trade in cloth, will provide great prosperity, hence strengthen Moon.
(2) Ensure that your in-laws make arrangements for providing drinking water facilities to the common people.
(3) Keep deer skin in the house.
Mars in 3rd House
The 3rd house is affected by Mars and Mercury, who provide brothers and sisters to the native i.e., he will not be the only issue of his parents. Others will be highly benefited from the native, but he will not be able to receive benefit from others. Humbleness will bring rewards. In-laws will become richer and richer after the native's marriage. The native believes in the principle " eat, drink and be merry" and suffers from blood disorders.
(1) Be soft hearted and avoid arrogance. Be good to brothers for prosperity.
(2) Keep articles of ivory with you .
(3) Put on silver ring in the left hand.

Mars in 4th House

The 4th house is overall the property of Moon. The fire and heat of Mars in this house burns the cold water of Moon i.e., the properties of the Moon are adversely affected. The native loses peace of mind and suffers from jealousy to others. He always misbehaves with his younger brothers. The native's evil mission gets strong destructive powers. Such a native affects the life of his mother, wife, mother-in-law etc very adversely. His anger becomes the cause of his overall destruction in various aspects of life.
(1) Offer sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree and put that wet soil on your navel.
(2) To avoid havoc from fire, place empty bags of sugar on the roof of your house, shop or factory.
(3) Always keep a square piece of silver with you.
(4) Keep away from black, one-eyed or disabled person.

Mars in 5th House

The 5th house belongs to the Sun, who is a natural friend of Mars. Hence Mars ensures very good results in this house. The sons of the native become instruments of wealth and fame for him. His prosperity increases manifold after the birth of sons. The things and relatives represented by Venus and Moon will prove beneficial in every manner. Someone of his forefathers must have been a doctor or Vaidya.
The prosperity of the native will continue to grow more and more with the growth in age. But romance and emotional affairs with the opposite sex will prove highly disastrous for the native, which will destroy his mental peace and night sleep too.
(1) Maintain a good moral character.
(2) Keep water in a pot below the head side of your bed at night and drop it in a flower pot in the morning.
(3) Offer Shradha to your ancestors and plant a Neem tree in the house.

Mars in 6th House

This house belongs to Mercury and Ketu. Both are mutual enemies and inimical to Mars also. Hence Mars in this house will keep himself away from both. The native will be courageous, adventurous, lover of justice and powerful enough to set fire into water. He will be highly benefited by the trade and business associated with Mercury. His pen will wield more power than the sword. If Sun, Saturn and Mars are placed together in one house, the brothers, mother, sisters and wife will be affected very adversely.
(1) Distribute salt in place of sweets on the birth of a male child.
(2) His brothers should keep the native happy by offering him something or the other for their protection and prosperity. But if he does not accept such things, the same should be thrown in water.
(3) The male children of the native should not wear gold.
(4) Adopt remedies of Saturn for family comfort. Worship Ganeshji for parents' health and destruction of enemies.

Mars in 7th House

This house belongs to the influences of Venus and Mercury, who combined together provide the effect of Sun. If Mars is placed therein, the 7th house will be affected by Sun and Mars both, which ensures that the native's ambition will be fulfilled. Wealth, property and family will increase.
But if Mercury is also placed here along with Mars, very adverse results will follow regarding the things and relations represented by Mercury e.g., sister, sister-in-law, nurses, maid servant, parrot, goats etc. Hence it would be better to keep away from them.
(1) Place solid piece of silver in the house for prosperity.
(2) Always offer sweets to daughter, sister, sister-in-law and widows.
(3) Repeatedly build a small wall and destroy it.

Mars in 8th House

The 8th house belongs to Mars and Saturn, who jointly influence the properties of this house. No planet is considered good in this house. Mars here affects very adversely the younger brothers of the native. The native sticks to commitments made by him without caring for profit or loss.
(1) Obtain blessings of widows and wear a silver chain.
(2) Offer sweet loaves of bread prepared on Tandoor to dogs.
(3) Take your meals in the kitchen.
(4) Build a small dark room at the end of your house and do not allow sun light to enter it.
(5) Offer rice, jaggery and gram pulse at religious places of worship.
(6) Fill an earthen pot with 'Deshi Khand' and bury it near a cremation ground.

Mars in 9th House

This house belongs to Jupiter, a friend of Mars. Mars placed in this house will prove good in every manner to the native by virtue of the help and blessings of the elders. His brother's wife proves very fortunate for him. Generally he will have as many brothers as his father had. Living with brothers in a joint family will enhance all round happiness. The native will gain a highly prestigious administrative post upto the 28th year of his age. He may earn large profits in the trade of goods associated with warfare.
(1) Obedience to elder brother.
(2) Render services to your Bhabhi i.e., brother's wife.
(3) Do not become an atheist and follow your traditional customs and rituals.
(4) Offer rice, milk and jaggery at religious places of worship.

Mars in 10th House

This is the best position of Mars in a horoscope, the place of his exaltation. If the native is born in a poor family, his family will become rich and affluent after his birth. If he is born in a rich family, his family will grow richer and richer after his birth. If the native is the eldest brother he will gain a more distinct recognition and reputation in society. He will be bold, courageous, healthy and competent enough to set traditions, norms and rules in society.
However, if malefic planets Rahu, Ketu and Saturn or Venus and Moon are placed in the 2nd house, the aforesaid beneficial effects are reduced. Further if a friendly planet is placed in the 3rd house, it will also affect the results of Mars in the 10th house adversely. If Saturn is placed in the 3rd house, the native will gain huge wealth and large properties in the later part of his life along with a kingly position. Mars in the 10th house but no planet in the 5th house provides all round prosperity and happiness.
(1) Do not sell ancestral property and gold of the house.
(2) Keep a pet deer in your house.
(3) While boiling milk, please ensure that it should not overflow and fall on the fire.
(4) Offer help to one-eyed and childless persons.

Mars in 11th House

Mars gives good results in this house, because this house is influenced by Jupiter and Saturn. If Jupiter is in exalted position, Mars gives very good results. Native is courageous and just and usually a trader.
(1) One should never sell one's ancestral property.
(2) Keeping Sindoor or honey in an earthen pot will give good results.

Mars in 12th House

This house is inhabited by Jupiter, so now both Mars and Jupiter will give good results. This is also considered as the "Pukka Ghar" of Rahu, so now Rahu will not trouble the native notwithstanding its position in native's horoscope.
(1) Take honey the first thing in the morning.
(2) Eating sweets and offering sweets to another person will increase the wealth of the native.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Anarkali Churidar Kameez

Anarkali Churidar Kameez

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Monday, August 8, 2011

Designer Captivating Festival Sarees

Designer Captivating Festival Sarees

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Saree is staple attire of Indian women wardrobe. Indian women closet comprises different types of sarees like wedding sarees, traditional sarees, contemporary sarees, and festival sarees and so on.

Festival sarees are most exclusive as they made keeping in mind the occasion and the event. In India various types of festivals are held and for each festival different type of sarees are there. Colors and designs of festival sarees are contrived in the way to perfectly match the occasion. Indian festival sarees are expressions of the event and festivity.

Sarees which are especially made keeping particular festivals in mind are called as festival sarees. These sarees display the intensity of the occasion. For example brocade sarees are worn on marriages, engagements, birthday celebration, parties etc. These are heavily embellished sarees which on wearing project gaiety. Similarly in festivals like Deepawali, Dussehra, Durga Puja etc sarees woven with golden thread, zari worn sarees etc are worn. They display enjoyments. The sarees that are worn during the Indian Festivals ponder traditions, customs and the cultural heritage.

India is a land of different regions and every region has different styles of wearing saree developed by the artisans through decades. Even work done on them is different. Also festivals are somewhat dissimilar in different states like Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Onam in Kerala, Nabobarsho in West Bengal, Chhath Puja in Bihar and several others. But one thing is common in all that is Indian women prefer to adorn themselves with sarees in these festivals.

Apart from these religious festivals another important festival in the life of married is `Karwa Chauth`. In this festival Indian woman drape herself with red or pink saree beautifully designed with zari work. On the festival of Teej women are found wearing colorful bandhej sarees. For festivals like Navratri, Dandiya, Garba etc exclusive sarees are made with skillfulness of work over them.

Festival sarees are made of different types of fabrics. The silk is the most popular fabric for festival sarees all over India. Shine of this fabric adds brightness in festival and also brings out the gorgeousness of the saree and the elegance of a woman. Apart from this, other fabrics like cotton, georgette, chiffon are used for making festival sarees in India. Kanjeevaram silk, Gardwal saree, Tanjore silk, Banarasi silk, Patola saree, Butter silk, Raw silk, Jamdani sarees etc are some of the festival sarees of India. Party Sarees are also included in festival sarees. They are beautifully crafted with cut work, sequin work, bead work mirror work, patch work, appliqué, embroidery, etc in vibrant color combinations. These sarees are apt to be worn in all types of parties and yield a trendy as well as enhance the gorgeous look of a woman. They are widely appreciated amongst Indian women for elegant designs, bright colors, smooth finish and the exclusive designs. For adding more beauty and elegance to sarees they are properly draped and accessorized with jewelries

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Designer Sarees Pictures by

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jai Shani Dev

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

For peace and happiness and to get rid of evil forces . It is said that if SHANI DEVA is in your favour then all your desires will be fulfilled because the effect of Shani Grah is such that it will steer you in all your activities which brings success. You may get an uninterrupted progress, particularly in your professional working life, if SHANI DEVA is satisfied with you. But if Shani Deva is not in your favour then each and every point of your activities you will face trouble as a result your life may be full of distress and success is far ...far away of your reach. A successful man may start facing an immense negative effect in professional (even personal ) life any time whenever the negative effect of SHANI DEVA come and fall on him/her. So the first thing is to keep Shani Deva always in your favour.
Shani Puja is done to appease planet Saturn. Grah Shanti Shani Pooja (Worship of Saturn) is sought for mental peace and to get rid of various diseases. Following things are associated with Shani (Saturn).
In Vedic astrology, the planet Saturn is called Shanaishwara. Saturn is regarded as an emaciated God with long physique, big teeth and tawny eyes. Shani is indolent and lame. The temperament or nature of Shani is airy. Saturn is considered to be a malefic graha. It is believed that Shani can make a person, a king or a beggar according to the native's deeds (karmas).
Shani Pooja - Worship Of Saturn: Shani Puja or worship of Saturn mitigates the hardships one will have to face during bad times. Shani Puja is also recommended to people who have Saade Sati of Shani in their horoscope. One is advised to recite the following Shani Mantra facing the west, to minimize the evil influence of afflicted Saturn.
"Aum Aing Hring Shring Shung Shanaishcharaye Namah: Aum" One can observe fasts on Saturdays and can take Khichri (made of rice and black urad daal), after the sunset. Saturn bestows all benefits to the devotees who pray sincerely to him.
Position of Shani- The Saturn Shani is most powerful in the 7th house. Saturn rules over the two sidereal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Shani exalts in Libra and falls in the sign of Aries. Saturn is particularly a beneficial planet for Taurus and Libra Ascendants. Saturn is the slowest moving planet as it takes 30 months or 2.6 years in each Rashi and completes one cycle in 30 years. Transit of Shani can cause problems from Govt., peers, wife, children, slowdown in business, loss of property and leprosy etc.
Significance of Shani Shani (Saturn) is an indicator of longevity, misery, sorrow, old age and death, discipline, restriction, responsibility, delays, ambition, leadership and authority, humility, integrity, wisdom born of experience. Saturn is regarded as a planet of darkness which rules over the dark side of human nature, such as the conscience (awareness of right and wrong). Saturn is regarded to be both a giver as well as destroyer. A person who sincerely prays to Shani is blessed not only with removal of the problems and worries, but a life that one desires.
for shani dosha nivaran u can also do yagya which is meant for mitigating the shani dosha. The position of Shani in Specific House of the natal Horoscope or Gochar Position (Sadesati etc.) causes Suffering to the native. Shanti of the same is done by performance of yagya.
you can do 'navagraha puja' or shani puja is most recognised.there are many shani temples where you can perform this puja.There is jaap of Shani, there are Shani temples to offer prayers, in Most of South Indian temples there are Navgrah sthans, shani pooja could be done there as well. it is also suggested to worship Hanuman ji to pacify Shani. The planets are to propitiated against their evil influences, to ward off them, the Saturn Puja is done with faith to ward off all evils of Saturn as per the horoscope. Shani's Sadhe Sati i.e. 7.5 year of disturbance in life as horoscope reading maybe avoided by wearing Ratna's or by doing specific Shani Pujan & Homam.
Saturday was Shani Trayodashi - a special day for Shani Graha (saturn god). Shani Puja was performed. Devotees offered Tila (gingely seeds) as Danam (offering). Shani Ashtottara, Shlokas were chanted. 

Shani Yantra Yantra to Propitiate an afflicted Sani and achieve Rajayog. Shani Yantra/ Saturn Yantra is used to Propitiate an afflicted Sani/Saturn and achieve Rajayoga through complete blessings of Sani. When Saturn is malefic in a horoscope, in transit or causes Sadesati, use of Shani yantra is very Beneficial. Shani yantra/Saturn Yantra is useful, when one feels depressed. It indicates sucess in wordly affairs, success in business and the man touches the dizzy heights.put that yantra in house.

For Sani or Saturn related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Shani:
1. Worship Lord Hanuman or Lord Siva.
2. Recite Hanuman chalisa or any other Hanuman stotra.
3. Japa of Shani mantra:
” Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah ” ,
19000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Shani stotra:
Nelanjan samabhasam ravi putram yamagrajam
Chaaya martand sambhutam tam namami shanaischaram
5. Donate a buffalo or black oil (sesame seeds) on Saturday.
6. Fasting on Fridays.
7. Pooja: Hanuman pooja or Siva Pooja
8. Wear a 14 mukhi Rudraksha.
For all Saturn related troubles the following Shani
Shodasanama stotra of Dasharatha is an excellent remedy.?
Konassanaischaromandah chhayaahridayanandanah
Maargandaja sudhaasouri neelavastraanjanadyutih
Abrahmanah kroora kroora karmaatangi grahanaayakah
Krishnodharmaanujah shantah shushkodara varapradah

Apart from this reciting the following dasanama stotra of Shani by Dasharatha near a Pepal tree is also a highly recommended one.
Konastha pingalobabhruh
Souri, shanaischaro mandah
Pippaladishu sansthitah