
Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Rahu-Ketu Axis and Unstable Career

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

The Rahu-Ketu Axis and Unstable Career
The axis of Rahu and Ketu occurring in the fourth and tenth houses in a horoscope is one of the worst situations as far as profession is concerned. Irrespective of which planet (Rahu/Ketu) being posited in the tenth, the professional life of the native will suffer.

Rahu’s position in tenth house causes one to have frequent changes in his career. Such natives are much aggressive in their professional life. They seldom listen to others opinion and have strained relation with the co workers. They can be very impulsive which may lead them to making many a hasty decisions in career.
Rahu’s position in a fiery sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) in the tenth house: Rahu is an aggressor and when he gets posited in a fiery sign, his flares burn high. This will lead to native always getting in to adverse situations in the work place. He will have frequent arguments with his co workers and superiors. He will never care others word. He will quickly get bored with his work. He will work hard but most of his hard work would go unnoticed. Such natives may not change the line of profession frequently but change in the job is certain. Business men with this combination will seldom find success since they will never maintain good relation in their business circle. Their success in life will be only in patches.

Rahu position in a watery sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces): Rahu is less malefic than being located in a watery sign being posited in a fiery sign. The reason behind it is that Rahu will never attains much power in a watery sign like a fiery sign.  But still Rahu will cause damage as much as possible because Rahu is uncomfortable in watery signs. In Pisces, Rahu is less harmful because Jupiter has a calming influence over Rahu as the depositor lord.

The natives with Rahu in the 10th house in a watery sign will have fewer changes in career but they tend to suffer more in their jobs. Such natives have a sense of frustration in their career and do not see many opportunities for change.

Rahu’s position in the tenth house in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn): Earth signs signify patience and practical approach. This influence on Rahu provides stability in career. Also, Rahu maintains a good relation with only a few planets and Venus and Mercury are among them. That’s the reason why Rahu is a less of a trouble in Taurus and Virgo. Such natives also may face some problems in their professional life and have the tendency to change jobs but will always hold their nerves with practical approach to the situation. Also they will have an attitude of seeing things from an angle of enjoyment and cooperation which will always help them stand strong even at the odd periods.

Rahu’s position in the tenth house in an airy sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius): In airy signs Rahu is most comfortable and causes least trouble. Once again two of the three airy signs Gemini and Libra are owned by Mercury and Venus who are friendly to Rahu. In Aquarius Rahu does not behave properly since the sign is owned by Saturn and the combination of Rahu-Saturn is always bad influence. Moreover most of the schools of astrology are of the opinion that for Rahu, Gemini and Virgo are like own houses. Taurus is considered Rahu’s exaltation sign. In practice, this has indeed been found to be true.

If Ketu is located in the tenth, then the native tends to suffer humiliation and hardship in their work life. The native will always find it difficult to enjoy their work because most likely he/she will be caught in a line of profession which is not the line of interest. But what makes Ketu’s case different is that such people will keep their frustrations and uneasiness unexpressed for long and then end it with a disastrous move. Unlike Rahu in the tenth, these people will not try to bring in a change in their career, but will ruin it by keep continuing at the same place and the performance going down each day, one day at a time. If Rahu forces one to have changes in the professional front even for no apparent reason, Ketu holds one from even reacting to adverse situations. And at last when they take a decision it will be pretty bad.

The transits of Rahu and Ketu are also adverse for career. Whenever the transit of either Rahu or Ketu has reference to the meridian point, there is tension in profession. A close examination however reveals that the transit of Ketu over the 10th house creates more trouble than than of Rahu. A transit of Rahu or Ketu over the natal 10th, either from Lagna or Moon, along with an influence of transit Saturn by the means of yoga or aspect, the situation gets worsened.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Changing Name

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

What is the use of changing names or say spellings in the name when we all know that whatever name we got reflects the blessings of God taken into consideration our previous birth Good deeds. After all every one knows that a person should be known through his deeds and not through his names or say changing his spellings in the names. Will you think that bad people like DAWOOD IBRAHIM AND OSAMA BIN LADEN after having change their names or say wearing of any rings can protect them from LAW. I believe that positive energies will be received only by doing good deeds and not through changing names or wearing of any rings as suggested by numerologist and different astrologers because these things only increases the sales and profit of a business man to remain in competition and not solve the basic principles as mentioned in our religious books in respect of doing good deeds and the importance of meditation. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jupiter & Venus - turn direct

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

On November 18, the two planets that represent good fortune, money and happiness -- Jupiter followed by Venus -- turn direct and the lessons that they have been trying to teach us in their retrograde periods of introspection are now ours to put into practice!

Jupiter turned retrograde in Aries on July 23 and moved into Pisces during its retrograde motion. It now turns direct in Pisces and will stay there until January 2011. This is, however, the last time until 2021 that Jupiter will be in Pisces, and there are significant lessons that this transit holds for us. When Jupiter is direct, the energy of the cosmos calls for renewed enthusiasm, and the time is ideal to put in a stronger sense of meaning and purpose in life and move onward with a revived sense of direction and sparkle. Jupiter gives us momentum to accomplish our goals and favors idealism, good luck, and financial success!
With Jupiter retrograde in Pisces, many of us may have been questioning our real values and priorities in life and what it is that is really important for us in life that we must gain or accomplish! Now that Jupiter turns direct, we have a chance to put into practice our new goals and philosophy of life. With Jupiter direct, there'll be more opportunities for outer expansion -- at work and with money. Good fortune should not be so hard to find and optimism should soar.

With Venus retrograde in Libra, the sign of one-to-one relationships, many of us may have felt a sense of failure in being unable to attain the kind of intimate emotional connection we are ideally seeking with a significant other in our lives -- regardless of the nature of the relationship -- other than this relationship is very central to our lives. This has been a period of introspection. But now the universe urges us to step out -- softer, wiser, more heart-centered and better equipped to fully embrace what life and relationships have to offer. This is a time to value your partners and romance will burn ever more brightly!

Designer Sari

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Monday, November 15, 2010

Designer Sarees

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Some general combinations in Navamsa regarding married life.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Here are some general combinations in navamsa regarding married life.

1) Navamsa lagna aspected by a benefic can give a happy married life.
2) Navamsa lagna lord aspecting navamsa is a good combination for a peaceful married life. 
3) If navamsa lagna and navamsa lagna lord are vargothama then, ur spouse will be very adaptable. 
4) It is better to have a navamsa lagna with a subhakartari yoga which will help u to tide through any difficulty.
5) Benefics in the 5th or 9th to navamsa lagna indicates that u r handsome.
6) If navamsa lagna happens to be 9th or 12th to the janma lagna, physical needs may be very high.
7) If navamsa lagna is associated with many malefics, there could be extra-martial relationships.
8) If the lord of 3 or 6 or 7 or 10 is posited in the 7th to navamsa lagna ur spouse may have a career in law.
9) venus in the 7th to navamsa lagna indicates disharmony in marriage.
10) If the lord of 7th in rasi is in 6 or 8 or 12 to navamsa lagna, married life may not be pleasant.
11) If the lagna lord or the 7th lord are associated with incendiary planets, then there could be separation.
12) Conjunction of Moon and venus and if one of them is debilitated, there will be no happiness from marriage.
13) If the 5th from the navamsa lagna is occupied by Jupiter and venus, u could get ravishing beauty as ur wife.
14) If the 7th happens to be the house of saturn and if malefic are in it, the spouse could look old or it could be a second marriage.
15) If venus is in the amsa of Mars or in the house of saturn without any benefic aspect, there could be sexual perversions.
16) If venus is in the navamsa of Moon, the whole married life will be full of problems.
17) If the 7th lord conjuct with the 6th lord and also venus, there will be separation or divorce.

These are general principles and should not be taken verbatim. Pls also consider the aspect and conjunction of other planets before coming to a conclusion. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Seventh House

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय

Seventh House 

जायामध्वप्रयाणं च वाणिज्यं नष्टवीक्षणम्‌। 
मरणं च स्वदेहस्य जायाभावान्निरीक्षयेत्‌॥ ८॥ 
jāyāmadhvaprayānam ca vānijyam nashtavīkshanam 
maranam ca svadehasya jāyābhāvānnirīkshayet ..8.. 

jāyā- wife; madhvaprayānam- follower of madhava; ca- also; vānijyam - business; nashta- destruction; vékñaëam- look at, see, inspect; maranam- death; ca- and; svadehasya- body of self; jāyābhāvānnirīkshayet - judge from the Jaya (7th) bhava. 

After the 1st house (Lagna/Ascendant), the 7th house or Saptam Bhava is the second most important house. One - because it is the exact opposite of the 1st (Ascendant), hence it should be the descendant of the native's Lagna, which indicates the Kama (desire) of the native; and two - it is a strong controller for the 4th (Sukhasthan) and 10th (Karmasthan) houses (being a pada to the two houses on the principle of Bhavat Bhavam). 

7th is a very vital house of the chart in many aspects. It indicates the inner desires, carnal desires, objective of life, character, value systems of life etc. 7th, being the house that indicates the private parts, is also very important to determine the sex/gender of the native. Hence it is also known as the 'Kalatra' meaning that which indicates the sex and sexual instincts of the person. 

7th is a very important house also because it provides the ability to bring forth new life in the form of progeny - it gives form to a new atma that develops as the child. The organs (private parts) are basically used for procreative activity. The general well being of a person could be determined on how good or bad the 7th house is and what effects it has on the 4th and 10th houses of the person. Thus, 7th is the 'naisargika' bhava of Lord Shiva who is the Lord for 'Kalyanam' meaning well being (Lord Brahma is for 'Ayu' meaning life/longevity while Maha Vishnu is for 'Dhanam' for sustenance). 

As the 7th deals with inner desires and procreation, it shows rebirth. It is also the 8th house (longevity/delay) for the 12th house (moksh/emancipation). It could be known from this bhava whether, when, where and why will an individual be reborn. In fact, there is a practice of preparing "Mrityu Kundlis" which is prepared at the time of death and the 7th bhava of this chart would indicate exactly the nature, why, when and where about the rebirth. A 'papa' graha in the 7th would indicate 'Punarjanma' (rebirth). 

[Upaya: Prayer to Lord Shiva will help in cleaning the dosha of papa graha.] 

How is the 7th related to the 4th (Sukhasthan) (the bhava for peace of mind, desires etc.)? 
'Ichha' (desire/Kama) is the ultimate source of all problems. If one had no desires, except attaining God, there would not be scope for any sorrow. It is only the desire to achieve something, to latch on to something, an emotional attachment to something that causes the sorrow when it is either not attained or is lost. Now, desire for something is love or kama. The purity or impurity of desire determines the quantum of sorrow. Desire to attain God is, perhaps, the purest form of love/kama. Again, Kama can be for different purposes and with different grades/degrees of intensity. Desire for wife (cohabiting with one woman - as practised and example set by Lord Rama), children, home and their well being is a genuine and proper desire and to sustain them one needs money. Hence the need for a job/Karma and hence the sorrow when you fall short of resources for meeting those needs. Here comes the relativity between the 7th, 4th and the 10th. But, if the same love were to turn into lust (carnal desire - an animal instinct for sex) then the desire is improper. The higher such improper and uncontrolled desires the more the sorrows that one experiences. 

7th is also the house that indicates the overcoming of enemies or being vanquished by them. Now, when does a person have enemies? Only a person who has something which others do not, or, when somebody desires to attain something which others too are aiming, does one create and have enemies. However, if a person were simply desirous of attaining God, he is not going to have enemies. It is only materialistic things/worldly things, which attract enemies. A beggar is most likely not to have enemies, while a rich man is bound to have more enemies because what a beggar doesn't have a rich man has. 

Here comes the relation between the 6th and the 7th bhava. The 6th indicates enemies and the 7th indicates vanquishing enemies or being vanquished by them. A weak 6th Lord and a strong 7th bhava is sure to vanquish the enemies, while in the converse the native is defeated. 

7th bhava of the naisargika bha chakra is 'Vanij sthana' meaning the house of trade and commerce. What is the aim behind the karma? If it is to earn money, then the second from the karma house (10th house) i.e., the 11th house and its trines come into focus. And of these, the 7th happens to be the 10th from the naisargika 10th bhava of the chart which indicates the karma to be performed and the actual desire for the performance of the karma (to earn money for sustenance). Thus, the 7th also becomes the house of business and being the naisargika house for 'Wife/Ardhangni' it also becomes the bhava for determining the compatibility with partners in business. 

Therefore, the 7th is truly reflective of the inner self of the person. It is reflective of the 'Ayana' of the person. An inappropriate lordship/placement/rasi of the 7th bhava indicates the extent to which a person bears a character, disposition in life, whether the person will be reborn or will attain moksha. Any affliction to the 7th would be detrimental to the development of the person as a good social being. Hence the 7th is a very vital bhava which holds the key to success or failure of life. 

Thus, to determine the strengths and results of native's chart, the 7th, 7th Lord and is Darapada (A7) placement become very significant and important. 

Mars in the 7th 
Indicates Kuja Dosha (this is due to the anger of Deva Rishi Narad - Upaya: Prayer to Hanumanji is the sole remedy). The placement of Mars in 7th indicates war or 'Yudh' in life (as may be seen from Lord Rama's life) which means a life full of struggles with frequent separation from wife. This could mean a separation, incompatible natures, angry nature/hot constitution of the wife/business partner, disharmony in marital life - which means a generally tense and strained personal life. However, the positive signs of have Mars in the 7th would mean that the person is very strong physically and also mentally as it aspects the 1st (Ascendant/Lagna), which is also because struggles actually strengthen the person mentally and physically. 

Venus in the 7th 
This would indicate love for all beautiful things, strong desire for sex (being the natural Kalatrakaraka i.e., the significator for sex), beautiful wife/partner, desire for material luxuries of life, a robust physique with sexual appeal, attractive body etc. 

Saturn in 7th 
This would indicate the dirty side of sex and other likings, a delayed marriage, spouse/partner being older than self, this would also mean that the spouse could be older in thoughts, disposition, age etc., separation, disharmony. The desire for sex could even be a carnal desire (as it gains Digbala in the 7th) without any discretion for caste, creed and levels. 

Jupiter in 7th 
Jupiter, the Devaguru, is considered the best placement in the 7th. A Guru, and that too a Devaguru, could never do anything wrong. Hence 
he indicates the best for the overall well being of the person, particularly in a female's chart where he indicates absolute chastity. He should 
indicate the chaste desires of the person. 

Sun in the 7th 
Sun, king of all grahas, would mean that the spouse/partner is very dominating in nature, very regal/authoritative in disposition, angry/hot nature, reddish complexion, strong in physique and mental nature, a burning and never ending desire for sex and all things rich and royal. 

Moon in the 7th 
Moon, queen of all grahas, would thus indicate beauty, cool disposition, strong mind, charming, regal taste, splendorous mannerisms and dressing, urge for good and clean sex, white complexioned wife, good acumen to trade, gullible etc. 

Rahu in the 7th 
Being a demon, will indicate diabolical nature, carnal (sex)desires, ruthlessness in all aspects of life, dirty thoughts, filthy sex, involvement in prostitution, gambling and the likes. However, a controlled Rahu could also give the better things of life and material fulfilment. Propitiating Lord Shiva with water (Rudrabhishek) to control and calm the heated and passionate desires or have controlled sex is the best Upaya for Rahu, while - the mantra: "Hari Om Tat Sat" - Satyanarana Mantra is helpful to just cut off the effects of Rahu i.e., no desires at all). 

Ketu in the 7th 
Being the dismembered body of the demon Rahu, it would indicate a sickly spouse. Being the natural significator for Moksha, it would indicate that the partner/spouse will be a spiritual person. It could also indicate a nagging partner. An afflicted placement could mean sickness, unsteady mind, general destruction i.e., the infra-red passion of Ketu leads to self-destruction as Lord Shiva destroyed Kamadeva. (The 7th house, is also the house of Kamadeva - hence the desires. Destruction of desires (i.e., Kamadeva) eventually leads to moksha). 

7th Lord in the 6th bhava would mean the spouse turning an enemy where the faithfulness or fidelity is to be doubted. This could be redeemed only with a strong and benevolent Jupiter in the chart. 

7th Lord in the 9th would mean that that bhagya (fortune) of the person will turn for the good after marriage. 

Since 7th indicates rebirth and the 12th bhava indicates Moksha/sleep, 7th is a naisargika enemy of the 12th (7th bhava is 8th from the 12th bhava) as, to attain the desires one has to remain awake and be attached to the desire for its realization. Non-realization of the desire would eventually lead to rebirth for its fulfilment. 

The longevity of the first marriage (M1) is to be seen from the 2nd house to the 7th (i.e., the 8th bhava of the chart - the principle of 2nd being the maraka) as it is the sustaining house for the 7th. The 7th from the house of first marriage (M1) (i.e., 2nd bhava of the chart) would indicate the possibility of the second (M2) marriage and the longevity of this marriage is to be determined from the 2nd house to this bhava (M2) (i.e., the 3rd bhava of the chart). The 7th from M2 would indicate the 3rd marriage (M3) and the 2nd bhava from M3 would indicate its longevity. Subsequent marriages, usually till the 4th, are to be seen so on and so forth. Such a syndrome normally stops with the fourth marriage when the effect of Moon (in the form of mother or mother-in-law) comes in as a natural obstacle. However, these are to be reckoned by the Jyotish after careful observation of the customs and practices of different communities and persons. Normally, this phenomena of multiple marriages is most possible in people and communities where worship on Fridays is practised predominantly as they would imbibe more of Venusian effects. 


Upapada, also known as Gaunapada, is the 'Arudha' of the 12th bhava of the chart (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 1-2). 

(Gauna - means one who follows {Anuchara - that which follows - Sloka 2 of Chapter 30-BPHS} - Accordingly, the 'Arudha' of the bhava that follows (12th) the Lagna is, thus, the Gaunapada or Upapada.) 

This pada determines the inner nature/attitude of the native towards the spouse. The 'Sambandha' or relationship of the lord of Upapada vis-à-vis the Lagna lord, by way of placement, will determine whether the native would marry at all or not. If the lord of Upapada goes to the 12th (the house for sacrifice/Tyaga) therefrom, it indicates a sure sign of denial of marriage. This would also indicate the delays, if any, and the reasons for such delay in marriage. 

Now, how do we see the 'sambandha' of the lord of Upapada with the lord of Lagna? 

The rasi/sign occupied by the lord of the Lagna is called 'Paka Lagna'. The Paka Lagna signifies the whims and fancies of the native. While the natal Lagna determines what is good or bad for the body, Paka Lagna signifies what a person likes or dislikes. Thus, a papa graha occupying the Lagna will not signify clearly the likes and dislikes of the person as the Paka Lagna would. 

Therefore, the relationship between a graha and the lord of the Lagna/Paka Lagna should be studied carefully to determine the likes and dislikes, whims and fancies etc., of a person. When the sambandha of a graha is not good with the lord of Lagna/Paka Lagna, the graha tends to reject its significations. This determines the fact that a certain placement of a graha, though it signifies certain naisargik qualities, loses such qualities in terms of its relationship with the lord of the Lagna/Paka Lagna. This has to be studied carefully to determine whether the person would marry or not, what the person will like or dislike, what the person will adapt or renounce etc. For example, mere occupation of Lagna by Shani - a naisargika significator of alcohol and negative things - will not determine the persons liking for alcohol or negative aspects as his paka lagna would, while the converse is true in the case of benefics. 

(Note: However, Brihaspati [Karaka for 'Jeeva' and Dhi Shakti which is the most important quality of man] is the naisargik karaka for Paka Lagna.) 

Since Upapada determines the nature/attitude of the person towards the spouse who is a lifelong partner, it is very important that the sign/rasi of the Upapada is auspicious. It is the auspiciousness of the rasi that determines the purity of nature of the native and how the person would treat the spouse. Any affliction to the rasi, or if the rasi is inauspicious, to that extent the native's attitude towards the spouse is affected. This would mean that the compatibility, fidelity, affection etc., which form the basics of good spousal relationship, either become questionable or it is totally absent depending on the inauspiciousness or affliction of the sign. 

Thus, the lord of Gaunapada becomes very important in determining the spouse (family etc.,), spousal attitude of the person, and happiness/sorrow from spouse. An exalted lord of Upapada will bring to the native a spouse from a noble family, while in the case of a debilitated lord of Upapada the reverse holds true meaning thereby that the spouse will be from a family below the status of the native. 

Following are the significations in the case of the lord of Upapada being conjoined with: 

1. Surya - the spouse would be from a family enjoying political power, or from a higher caste meaning change in caste (as Sun represents temples - a place where people of higher learning/caste live/work); 

2. Moon - the spouse could be from a wealthy family, or a family with immense popularity. 

3. Mars - the spouse could be from a family linked with the Martian qualities like Police, Military, Kshatriya families etc. 

4. Mercury - the spouse could be from a family involved in dealing with writing/books, or in accounting professions, or in trade. 

5. Jupiter - the spouse would be from a brahmin family, or from a learned family, or from a judicial family. 

6. Venus - the spouse could be from a family with a poetic and romantic touch, artistic flair, involved with cattle (like dairying), dealing in clothes or cosmetics, or anything that is linked with beauty. 

7. Saturn - the spouse would be from a lower family, or lower caste, or from a family engaged in menial jobs such as factory workers etc. 

8. Rahu - the spouse would be from a family involved in gambling and other such related activities, or from a foreign land. 

9. Ketu - the spouse could belong to an ascetic family, or a family that is detached from normal stream of society.

As we know the principle that it is always the 2nd bhava that sustains the previous bhava, determining the effects of the 2nd bhava from Upapada becomes important in determining the sustenance of the marriage. Any afflictions or inauspiciousness of the 2nd bhava from the Upapada will indicate the length of marriage i.e., how long the marriage would last and when it breaks what will be the reasons that determine such a break. From this we get an important principle:- The nature of sign in the 2nd bhava from Upapada is important in determining the real cause of break in marriage (which could be in the form of death (under various circumstances), legal or illegal separation, separation due to other ordinary or extraordinary circumstances etc.,). 

The following graha placements/rasi in the 2nd bhava from Upapada indicate the broad causes for break in marriage: 

1. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate a benefic, or it is aspected by or conjunct with a benefic, then the native enjoys good results (from wife) - [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 

2. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate a papa graha, and/or it is occupied or aspected by or conjunct with a graha in debilitation (either in rasi/navamsa), then the destruction of wife/marital happiness is bound to happen. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 

3. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate an exalted graha (either in rasi or navamsa) or should receive aspect by any such graha, then the person should have many wives. The same is also applicable in the case of Mithun (quality of copulation and many companions) being the 2nd from Upapada. Even Taurus (owned by Shukra) is known to give plurality of marriage. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 

4. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to be occupied by its own lord or if the said lord is in his other house (in the case of dual ownership), then the death of wife will be at an advanced age. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12]. 

5. If the graha, which is a constant indicator of wife (either the 7th lord or Sukra) is in own house, the loss of wife will be only at an advanced stage. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 13 to 15). 

6. If the lord of 2nd from Upapada is 2nd from the Lagna (natal ascendant) and is with a papa graha, then the marriage could break due to the native's thieving habits. 

7. Shani and Rahu in 2nd from Upapada - loss of wife through death and calumny (slander). (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Sloka - 16). If the said 2nd happens to be Shani's own house (Makar or Kumbh) the wife will have disease in legs; and, if Rahu too joins Shani's own house in 2nd, the wife is sure to be lame. Shani, Rahu and Surya in the said 2nd will cause distress to bones (Surya rules bones). 

8. Mercury in 2nd from Upapada will cause verbal warfare (Budh rules speech) with wife. Even excess speech (unwanted speech) can damage the marriage. The marriage could break due to extra-marital relationships, as Budh rules Mithun and Mithun signifies such relationships. Budh also signifies dealing with books and writing. Indulgence in books and writing could lead to a break in marriage. Budh and Ketu in 2nd from Upapada causes breakage of bones. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Sloka - 18). Budh and Rahu in 2nd from Upapada will give a stout body to the wife. (Slokas 19-22). If Mangal and Shani occupy such a 2nd house that happens to be owned by Budh, the wife then suffers from nasal disorders. (Slokas 19-22). Budh and Mangal in the 2nd from Upapada will cause dental disorders to the wife. (Slokas 19-22). However, Budh in 2nd from Upapada in wife's horoscope will indicate a strong Rajyog for the husband. This too could be a cause of break in marriage.) 

9. Shukra in 2nd from Upapada could signify break in marriage due to libidinous activities. Rishabh being such a 2nd house indicates many wives or plurality of marriage, which could also be a cause for break in marriage. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7-12). Shukra and Ketu in 2nd from Upapada will cause disorder of blood, leucorrhoea. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Sloka 17). 

10. Moon in 2nd from Upapada would signify break in marriage (or death) due to problems in the lymphatic fluids that would damage the physical health of the wife. As Moon rules mind, it could also indicate emotional problems leading to break in marriage. If Shani afflicts such placement of the Moon, it is sure to cause severe depressions for the wife. 

11. Surya in 2nd from Upapada would cause death/separation due to high fevers, bone disorders. 

12. Brihaspati in the 2nd from Upapada would cause break due to child birth/childlessness, lack of intelligence, excess weight etc. Jupiter and Rahu in such a 2nd house will cause dental problems; while Guru and Shani in such a 2nd house will cause trouble in eyes/ears of the wife. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Slokas 19-22). 

13. If Mangal happens to be in 2nd from Upapada, it could cause separation from wife through sudden accidents in combination with Kethu for certain; blood disorders; death in fights; death due to arms and ammunitions; separation due to fiery temperament; anger and inflexibility and ego; and other Martian qualities. 

However, all these are to be studied from the natal ascendant, Lagna Pada (Arudha of Lagna), the 7th from Upapada and the lords thereof. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Slokas 22 & 23.5). 

(Upaya for delayed marriage: Fasting on the days of the lord - can consume only milk and some fruits.) 

However, to clear the general afflictions to the 7th bhava and also the kidney, prayer to Lord Shiva is the key. Chanting the Maha Mrityunjeya Mantra 11 times with milk held in the hand and consuming that milk immediately thereafter helps in removing all poison (toxicity) from the body. This not only purifies the mind (thought) but also cleanses the kidney, which is signified by the 7th bhava. [Maharshi Attri is believed to cleansed the body of Lord Shiva off all the poison that he consumed during Sagar Manthana by placing Moon on his (Shiva's) head. Hence milk (signified by Moon) is believed to cure the afflictions of this house (ruled by Shiva) with the chanting of Maha Mrityunjeya Mantra]. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What is Panchang ?

Panchang, Panchang, Panchang, Daily Panchang
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya - ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय



What is Panchang?

Vedic Astrology divides time into five fundamental parts together called the Panchang. The Panchang is used by Vedic Astrologers to judge the auspiciousness of the time and is also used to calculate the vedic birth chart or Janam Patrika of a person. The word panchang is derived from the Sanskrit word panchangam(pancha, five; anga, limb), which refers to the five limbs of the calendar or the five parameters – day/vaar, tithi, star/nakshatra, yoga and karana corresponding to that day. It is called by different names in India - Tamil panchangam, Telugu Panchangam, Kannada Panchangam, Gujarati Panchang, Marathi Panchang, Hindi Panchang, Bengali Panchang etc. Hindu Panchang or the Indian calendar is basically based on Nakshatra.

How is Panchang Calculated?

Hindu Panchang is an ancient Indian Calendar system based on Astrological facts and astronomical data. Calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, nakshatra and constellations. The actual casting of a Panchang involves elaborate mathematical work involving high level of spherical geometry and sound understanding of astronomical phenomena, such as sidereal movements of heavenly bodies. The calculations in the Panchang are used to determine the most ideal or auspicious vaar, tithis, yogas, nakshatras and karan commonly called the Muhurat, for carrying out various activities like vivah muhurat or marriage, grihapravesh, starting a puja etc. Even ayurvedic remedies and herbs when administered under a particular nakshatra are most effective. The Panchangam/Ephemeris is also a readymade guide that gives us the dates of important hindu festivals, daily nakshatras and Moon’s transit. A Panchang gives the exact time when a particular task can be undertaken to reap maximum benefits.
The time between two consecutive sun rises is the Solar day and the time between two consecutive moon rises is Lunar Day or Tithi. The panchang measures time in lunar months whose names are based on stars and constellations. The new moon is called "Amavasya" and it ushers in the new month. The first fortnight of the full moon is known as Shukla paksha or "the bright half" as the moon waxes; while the dark half fortnight of the month is called Krishna paksha during which the moon wanes. Poornima marks the end of Shukla paksha.

Months in the Hindu Panchang

The twelve months of the lunar year in Hindu Panchang correspond to the following and their names derived from the nakshatras are:
Indian MonthName Of Month Derived From Nakshatra
Chaitra (March - April)Chitra Nakshatra
Vaisakh (April - May)Vishakha Nakshatra
Jyeshta (May - June)Jyeshtha Nakshatra
Aashaadh (June - July)Ashaada Nakshatra
Shravan (July - August)Shravana Nakshatra
Bhadra (August - September)Purva and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Ashwin (September - October)Ashwini Nakshatra
Kartik (October - November)Kritika Nakshatra
Margasheersh (November - December)Mrigshira Nakshatra
Paush (December - January)Paush Nakshatra
Maagh (January - February)Masha Nakshatra
Phagun (February - March)PurvaPhalguni and UttaraPhalguni Nakshatra

Is Panchang a necessity?

A Panchang tells about the five elements – Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karan. Any new venture started on an shubh tithi/muhurat will fetch prosperity, a deed done on the right day of the week – shubh vaar will enhance longevity. Any deed done on a day with a favorable star or shubh nakshatra will destroy all sorts of ill effects on the person; diseases will disappear if deeds are performed at a time of shubh yoga and objectives will be achieved without hurdles if started during a shubh karan.
  • Panchang is an online astrological diary, based on placement of planets in the zodiac, daily moon position and nakshatra.
  • Panchang is an ancient science that helps in knowing when to synchronize your actions with good times and helps you increase your chances for success.
  • Panchang is a ready reckoner to know what days and times are good for you, and which ones may cause problems.
  • Panchang is ancient Vedic astrology applied to the practical needs of your day-to-day life.